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Costa Rica: 5 Enchanting Reasons Retirees Should Move Here

Have you ever been to Costa Rica? Blessed with year-round mild temperatures, an Atlantic and a Pacific coastline, lush tropical forests, and gorgeous Caribbean beaches, Costa Rica can quickly become the place international retirees call home. It's a unique tropical retirement paradise that offers inexpensive living and retirement, affordable, top-notch medical care, the opportunity to start over, and lots of great outdoor sports. This country has every imaginable activity for retirees, snowbirds, entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and other ex-pats to stay busy and happy, including stunning scenery with captivating sun-soaked tropical beaches and breathtaking mountains. Add to all this that it's a peaceful nation with political stability and year-round spring-like weather in the Central Valley, and no one can actually be surprised to learn that more than 70,000 American expatriates live in Costa Rica. All are eager to take advantage of the best this country offers. More Americans live and retire here than in any other country outside the United States. So what makes this place one of the best countries for retirees? Well, there are many reasons, but let's stick to the following 5!